Vice-president over trafficking claims-US sanctions Venezuela

The US has imposed sanctions on the new vice-president of Venezuela, accusing him of involvement in international drug trafficking.
The order adds Tareck El Aissami to the US narcotics "kingpin" sanctions list "for playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking".
Sanctions were also slapped on wealthy businessman Samark Lopez, described as Mr El Aissami's "primary frontman".
Mr El Aissami was appointed last month by President Nicolas Maduro.
There was no immediate response from Mr El Aissami, but he has previously denied criminal ties.

President's right hand

He is seen as a powerful figure within the governing PSUV party and has been entrusted by Mr Maduro with key powers normally held by the president, such as determining ministerial budgets and expropriating private companies.
The US Treasury alleges that Mr El Aissami facilitated huge shipments of narcotics from Venezuela by air and sea. It also says he was in the pay of convicted for the protection of drug shipments.
The sanctions freeze his assets in the US and bar him from entering the country.
John E Smith, acting director of the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, said the sanctions were the culmination of an investigation "to target significant narcotics traffickers in Venezuela and demonstrates that power and influence do not protect those who engage in these illicit activities".
"This case highlights our continued focus on narcotics traffickers and those who help launder their illicit proceeds through the United States," he said.

'No evidence'

The Treasury also imposed sanctions on 13 companies in the British Virgin Islands, Panama, the UK, the US, and Venezuela linked to Mr Lopez, the Venezuelan businessman it accuses of being a front-man for Mr El Aissami.

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