Group backs Army on Operation Python Dance

THE National Committee of Yoruba Youth (NCYY) and the Coalition of Civil Society Groups against Terrorism in Nigeria have backed the Federal Government’s decision to deploy troops to the Southeast part of Nigeria.

The groups said the deployment of troops to the zone by the leadership of the Nigerian Army was commendable saying it will return normalcy and ensure that the large number of innocent Nigerians, living and carrying out their economic activities within the region, can now experience peace and live peacefully, without further molestation and restrictions, as they have witnessed in the last couple of months, due to the activities of the agitating groups.

 In a statement signed by Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi, Convener and Barrister Atani John, Secretary, the groups decried the escalating trend of violent activities and civil disobedience, by some persons, hiding under the umbrella of civil liberty to hold peace loving people of the region, and other parts of Nigeria hostage, for the perpetuation of their selfish agenda. The group said the launch of the “Exercise Egwu Eke II, (Python Dance II)”, will squarely address the growing cases of kidnapping, killings and political violence, as it is beginning to rear its head, in the Southeast. 

They urged Nigerians, particularly the peace loving persons of the Southeast, to support the effort of the federal government, aimed at ensuring that peace, security of lives and properties of Nigerians are well assured. 

They stated that “Their support, for the actions being taken, to salvage the security situation in the southeast, will no doubt, effectively contain the cases of kidnapping, robbery and even the sacrilegious murder of the innocents, in their places of worship. 

The group also commended the dexterity of officers and men, of the Nigerian Army, for unrelenting in their patriotic commitment, towards defeating the menace of terrorism, and other vices, as they keep demonstrating, in their determination at sustaining their constitutional responsibility, of defending the territorial integrity of our country.


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